Valentyna Pleskach, DSc (Econ.), Prof.
Faculty of Information Technology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
Yaroslav Kryvolapov, Assist.
Faculty of Information Technology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
Hlib Kryvolapov, Student
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Background. The article is devoted to the real possibilities and prospects of creating and using unmanned aerial vehicles in road and railway infrastructures. As part of the conducted experiment, the task of creating a drone was set using the simplest means of development in laboratory conditions.
Methods. To assess the viability of the proposed solutions, the method of the natural experiment has been used.
Results. The drone created as a result of the experiment is able to automatically stabilize its position, and a receiver board can be installed on it, which will enable remote control. In the future, additional modules can be installed on the quadro copter using the deep learning mechanism. And the use of an intelligent pattern detection and recognition system based on effective digital data processing algorithms will allow to significantly reduce the time for data processing, obtain more accurate results and ensure access to information in the shortest possible time, which will be another factor contributing to the active implementation of unmanned technologies.
Сonclusions. Thanks to the ability to obtain various data, unmanned aerial vehicles will be able to significantly reduce the costs of solving various tasks in the near future and become indispensable assistants in the transport infrastructure sector.
Keywords: machine learning, transport infrastructure, unmanned aerial vehicle, drone, data processing and analysis.
Information about the author
Valentina Pleskach, DSc (Econ.), Prof., Head of the Department of Applied Information Systems, Faculty of Information Technologies, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Research interests: Information and analytical systems, intelligent systems, systems of economic and mathematical modeling, planning and forecasting, digital economy, e-business, e-commerce.
Yaroslav Kryvolapov, Assist., Assistant of the Department of Applied Information Systems, Faculty of Information Technologies, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Research interests: solving problems of identification and digital data processing.
Hlib Kryvolapov, Second-year student of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Mathematics of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University.
Research interests: mathematics, programming languages, development of computer games.
How to Cite
V. Pleskachч, Y. Kryvolapov, H. Kryvolapov “ The use of drones in transport infrastructureі”, Advanced Information Technology, vo11(2), pp. 23–26, 2023.
Advanced Information Technology № 1 (2), 2023
Applied information systems and technology
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