Timur Zheldak, PhD (Engin.), Assoc. Prof.
Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
Ilya Ziborov, PhD Student
Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/AIT.2023.1.07
Background. The problem of a two-level information technology development of decision-making support in terms of metallurgical rolling production was considered. Both levels of individual technological operations and the entire production process are included, basing on economic indicators of the last one. Justification of the decision-making support system (DSS) structure and its functions is mainly focused on.
Methods. Methods of complex systems analysis and synthesis as well as complex control systems design are used.
Results. A modular structure of an automated DSS for managing metallurgical production, based on BOF steelmaking, is proposed, which contains seven separate software modules and six databases. All calculation, optimization and recommendation processes are implemented in separate modules of the DSS. An algorithm and scheme of interaction between modules and enterprise databases are developed. Input and output information for each of the modules is formulated. It is assumed that each of the selected modules, in addition to the organization of the input-output interface, performs the solution of a certain optimization problem aimed at improving the global economic criterion of production efficiency. All the results of the individual modules performance of the developed system are displayed through the appropriate interfaces and are of a recommendatory nature. The operator might accept them for implementation or perform actions at his own discretion. Both decisions, proposed and adopted, are stored in the respective databases.
Сonclusions. In general, use of the proposed DSS in rolling production with the wide assortment of the products allows one to decrease cost of manufacturing of the molten steel by 2,5-3,8%, as well as that of the final products – by 4,25 – 4,8% due to the additional decrease in unmeasured byproducts and the number of the cut-off parts.
Keywords: information technology, DSS, rolling production, decision-making, integration, databases, information interaction, system structure.
Information about the author
Timur Zheldak, PhD (Engin.), Assoc. Prof., Head of the System Analysis and Control Department of the Dnipro University of Technology.
Research interests: evolutionary computing, expert systems, artificial intelligence, and intelligent data analysis.
Ilya Ziborov, PhD Student of Dnipro University of Technology.
Research interests: evolutionary computing, neural networks, decision-making, network technologies.
How to Cite
T. Zheldak, I. Ziboro “The structure and functions of the integrated DSS in the multi-stage rolling production management processes, Advanced Information Technology, vol.1, pp. 49–56, 2023.
Advanced Information Technology № 1 (2), 2023
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