Viktor Morozov
Faculty of Information Technologies, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
Maksym Proskurin
Faculty of Information Technologies, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
This article considers approaches to the formation of models of proactive management of projects for the creation and development of distributed information systems. Features of distributed IT projects as a complex adaptive system that develops under numerous interrelated constraints are considered. It is concluded that the projects themselves are distributed. The main trends in the development of such systems were analyzed, the main patterns and problems were identified. The focus is on the consideration of the basic components of such systems and formalized models are proposed to describe their interaction. Attention is paid to the formation and implementation of projects to create complex systems based on distributed information systems, where the main features are the action of a significant number of complex influences from the turbulent external environment. The issues of project reactions to the effects of these changes were investigated. To address the management of such complex projects, a proactive approach is proposed. The consequences of changes in the processes of creating such systems are studied. A mathematical model of minimizing the effects of changes on project elements in the management of complex projects is proposed and an approach to the configuration management of such projects is proposed, which in general allows to build a scheme of effective project management.
Keywords – proactive management, distributed information systems, IT projects, project management, project configuration, impacts, macro trends.
Information about the author
Viktor Morozov, Ph.D., professor, Head of Dept. of Technologies Management of Faculty of Informational Technologies of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine. Current research interests include problems of complex distributional IT projects with using cloud technology. Member of IEEE.
Maksym Proskurin, postgraduate student of Dept. of Technologies Management of Faculty of Informational Technologies of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine. Current research interests include development and implementation of innovative projects in the IT field using intelligent technologies.
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How to Cite
V. Morozov , M. Proskurin . “Models of proactive change management of projects for the creation and development of distributed information systems,” Advanced Information Technology, vol.1, pp. 76-85, 2021
Advanced Information Technology № 1 (1), 2021
Digital technologies of IT project management