- Software Engineering
- Smart systems and the Internet of Things
- Applied information systems and technology
- Network and internet technologies
- Knowledge engineering
- Artificial and computational intelligence
- Mathematical foundations of information technology
- Machine learning and pattern recognition
- Information analytics and data analytics
- Digital technologies of IT project management
Policy (purpose and objectives) of the scientific edition: The purpose of the edition is to highlight and discuss current research results in the field of information technology, as well as the practice of their application in solving economic, technological, and technical problems and development of methodologies and tools for the digital transformation of society.
The objectives of the edition are:
- Identification of the constituent elements and structure of the impact of information technology on the innovative development of the country.
• Formulation of new ideas, principles, and hypotheses for solving modern problems in the field of information technology and presentation of constructive methods of their solution.
• Coverage of aspects of the development of theoretical bases of new information technology and their experimental verification.
• Exchange of experience in the development and application of new models and methods of informatization.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Vitaliy Snytyuk.
e-mail: dekan.fit.knu@gmail.com