Olga Zhulanova, Bachelor
Факультет інформаційних технологій, Київський національний університет імені Faculty of Information Technology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
Olena Vashchilina, PhD (Phys. & Math.), Assoc. Prof.,
Faculty of Information Technology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/AIT.2023.1.02
Background. The article is devoted to the issues of effective organization of collection and information analysis about the attitude of Twitter users to brands in the software application form. Issues such as research into modern means of collecting and analyzing information are considered; definition of the functionality that the application should implement; analysis of architectural solutions and selection of software necessary for its implementation.
Methods. When conducting research, marketing theory is used in the field of collecting information about consumer opinions, research on methods of information analysis for the purpose of classifying consumer mood, empirical analysis and synthesis of architectures used in the creation and comparison of neural network models for text classification, development and construction of own model for classification.
Results. As part of the task of software implementation of tweet text analysis, the architecture of convolutional and recurrent neural networks was investigated, a comparison of various hyper parameter values of neural networks was made, in particular, activation functions, loss functions, the number of learning epochs, the number of network layers, a comparison of different Python libraries for processing natural languages in the context of tweet evaluation.
Сonclusions. The practical significance of the study is the creation of a software tool for effective analysis of Twitter users’ attitudes towards brands, which can serve to improve the effectiveness of marketing activities of brands.
Keywords: Twitter, information analysis, text classification, sentiment analysis, neural networks, software application, Python libraries.
Information about the author
Olga Zhulanova, Bachelor, majoring in “Computer Science”, Faculty of Information Technologies, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Research interests: development and training of neural networks for analyzing data and making predictions based on them.
Olena Vashchilina, PhD (Phys. & Math.), Assoc. Prof., Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Information Systems, Faculty of Information Technologies, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Research interests: use of mathematics and information technologies to solve applied problems.
How to Cite
O. Zhulanova, O. Vashchilina “Elements of neural networks technology for analyzing the attitude of Twitter users towards brands, Advanced Information Technology, vol.1(2), pp. 13–22 , 2023.
Advanced Information Technology № 1 (2), 2023
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